Baked Bread Mixed Pack

100% of buyers gave more than 4 star rating.


Get a selection of delicious baked bread in one mixed pack: 2 bags of sliced white bread, 1 bag of dinner rolls, 1 bag of hot dog rolls.

Currently, we are only shipping to VIC, NSW, QLD, ACT, TAS and SA customers.

How to store

When you receive the bread, just open what you need and freeze the rest to keep it nice and fresh. You can rejuvenate this bread like magic by warming it up in 160°C oven for about 5-8min.

Fast Shipping

Orders dispatched in 1-3 business days.

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Baked Bread Mixed Pack
Baked Bread Mixed Pack


michelle from St Leonards, Mike from Zillmere & 2 others bought this item recently.
SKU: BR-ONL Baked Bread Mixed Category: Tags: , , ,